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Quiet Courage Of Those Who Resist

Writer: J RJ R

The mass media - in partnership with government, institutions and celebrities - convinced millions that their welfare depended on following official instructions.

It resulted in a population in which many appear to have given up any individual powers of questioning and suspicion of those in authority.

It hasn't happened to everyone of course; there are many who have always been making their voices of opposition heard, albeit not with mass media support.

Since the lockdowns started in March 2020, there have been many who have seen the truth and have, in their own way, refused to be browbeaten or intimidated into following the narrative, and who have managed to remain true to themselves in spite of the enormous pressures to conform.

There were those who refused to wear masks, refused to social distance, and above everything else refused to be injected with an experimental concoction that is now being recognised for what it always was - a poisonous jab, useless in the prevention or treatment of a flu-like


We have seen many people at the top of their professions who have stood firm and made clear their opposition to what has been going on.

They deserve our utmost thanks and support for spearheading the battle against the evils facing humanity.

Many of them have sacrificed careers and status, and have faced the onslaught of the government, their institutions, vested interests and the controlled media to silence and denigrate them.

What we don't hear much about the everyday folk who are not famous and are not in a position to have much clout by their appearances on alternative news sites.

These people have, in some cases, either given up or lost everything in their desire to maintain their personal integrity, and their adherence to being true to themselves.

Each, in their own way, are remarkable, and in their humility and steadfastness are role models for those of us who strive to oppose the evil cabal, though not having had to sacrifice anywhere near as much in so doing.

These people have faced the ultimate test, emerging with their souls intact, and are an inspiration to those who know them.

They will be known to their friends who share their humanity, their awareness, their hopes and desires for a better future, and who try to work towards these goals in their own small ways.

In my gradually expanding circle of people who are opposing the narrative, I know of four individuals who have displayed true courage by their actions:

The man who worked at a care home for 17 years, but at the height of covid hysteria was forced out of his employment because he would not be jabbed. A more dedicated and caring individual you could not wish to meet - the care home's loss. Now settled in a job which he thoroughly enjoys, and where he is highly appreciated.

The employee of a printing company for 35 years, well-respected and excellent at his job, but who was forced out because he wouldn't have a PCR test or his bodily autonomy compromised. What was even sadder, but emphasised his courage even more, is that it was his workmates who didn't want to work with him without him having had a test.

The extremely talented and compassionate management consultant with a career spent helping organisations adapt to new circumstances, who found that following the globalist diktats of the rulers was totally at odds with her moral compass. This same independent spirit was de-registered from her medical practice for daring to question the ethics of masks. She now devotes much time to fighting the battle on the internet where her persuasive skills are proving to be very successful at winning hearts and minds. She also works as a dedicated volunteer at a food bank.

The teacher who resigned because he wouldn't go along with the enforced masking of his young pupils. He now works as a supply teacher, and devotes much time to opposing the narrative.

We don't hear much about these quiet resisters, but there is much truth in the saying 'actions speak louder than words', and these people are living examples of it.

They deserve our thanks, our appreciation, our support and our plaudits.

You may not be aware of many of these quiet heroes yourself, but they are all around us, thank goodness.

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