To all my friends out there who know what is really going on... to all my conspiracy theorist friends... yes, sometimes it is a curse and not always a blessing to be awake.
Awakening is the most liberating, alienating, excruciating, empowering, lonely, confusing, freeing, frightening, expansive journey.
If you find yourself struggling as you try to process all this insanity, you are not alone.
No one talks about the darkness that accompanies awakening, or the grief.
Not only grieving the life and illusions you once had, but the realisation that almost everything you thought you once knew is a lie.
The beliefs you have held, people you have trusted, principles you were taught - all lies.
Shattering illusions is rarely an enjoyable experience.
There is a considerable amount of discomfort that comes with growth, and the grieving process does not stop there.
With these newfound realisations, you then find yourself grieving all over again.
Grieving for our children, knowing all too well the broken world they are inheriting.
Grieving the loss of many relationships with people who just do not 'get it'.
Feeling alone, being ridiculed and shamed, not only by the masses but often by your very own family and friends too.
Feeling like you no longer have much in common with the people you are surrounded by.
Struggling with carrying on, shallow conversations that lack substance with those who are still fast asleep.
Even feeling disconnected from your entire support system because they cannot see what you see so clearly.
Some even grieve the loss of their ignorance because 'ignorance is bliss' and reality is harsh.
Awakening can be a lonely road and you will often find yourself journeying alone.
There is no way to sugar-coat it - awakening to the realities of this world is brutal.
It will have you running through the entire gamut of human emotions.